Posts Tagged ‘the kite runner’

Kite Runner… :D

omg just can’t believe that i could found a greatest novel in the library… really awesome.. thanks Allah.. u give me this opportunity..

one day, i went to the library of my city, just to seeking for the book for my working. i am looking for programming books. but i couldn’t found good books. and then i try to reading the other books. i stand up in front of the rack of novel. looking for and looking for.. there is so many novels, such like goosebumps, ketika cinta bertasbih, Muhammad, and so many books. i seek n i read the title.

“THE KITE RUNNER”? O my God, i could found it… i am so happy… really.. 🙂

the kite runner

do you know why i am so excited to read this book?

it’s because.. because someone makes me interesting to watch this movie.. because the man pick two photo from the movie and then, he place the photo into his facebook’s album.. i am so interesting to looking the photo. do you want to know? that man who makes me interesting for this story is him. Thanks.. brother donpipo               v(^0^)v

i just cant wait to go home and then reading this book..




the kite runner